Friday, May 03, 2024

Ninety Days

I am here.  



Rinse. Repeat. Return.

To the series of good habits for the well-being of mind and body. 

Ninety days. 

One day at a time.  

I can clear my system in 90 days

Friday, April 19, 2024

Annual Spring Shares

When I was a kid with brothers, cousins, and a great-aunt.  

Me, when my kids were kids. 

I have had a song in my head for weeks.  I heard it years ago in a TV program. And other than the hook I cannot remember anything more except that it is haunting, about longing, and for me, grief.  

I'm sure I jotted down a note when I heard it because it hit me hard; with the intent to look into it further toward adding it to a collection. 

My recent, not-too-furious search uncovered many songs with a similar theme and hook (or title). None of the samples I played resembled the song of my memory.   

At this point, I am not sure I can trust my memory.  I do trust the emotion dredged up by said memory. 

I won't keep looking for that song.  I shall spend time with songs I already have in the collection, songs that take me away from longing and grief, songs that lighten my heart and give me ideas of moving my feel.  

It is just an idea for I am a bit of a klutz and certainly don't want an 'oops, I've fallen' scenario. 

Happy Spring

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Snack Happy

Recently I celebrated my tenth anniversary with my current employer. Please note that the folks who hired me are no longer with the firm (due to an amicable merger and eventual resignations due to other factors) but the spirit and the nature of the larger company still exist, most days. :-)   

Soon this space will celebrate an anniversary as well.  (March 29, 2006, was the first post) The second was published in May, 2006.)

I have ruminated over the last several months about both spaces; how long will working remotely be a perk that holds me in place? How attractive would a different position have to be to entice? Am I as ready to stop the grind altogether? 

And in this space? Should it remain Middle Girl (I have to admit to not being in love with the moniker)--I am a long, long way from the "girl" stage of life and have to admit more, I have an issue with referring to adult women as, "girl" (even in the cultural colloquial, "sister girl" manner). 

That's a blog for another day. 

But, re-brand to...what? 

Beyond what to call it, am I still drawn to publish thoughts, art, and beyond? Am I encouraged, motivated, and entertained, by the engagement of others (btw: yes!)  But, enough to work to grow, expand, and shift the focus for even greater engagement? Or Is the current level enough--and for how long, how much?   

Some folks who left blogging when folks were leaving to head over to the lands of other social media platforms have begun to return to this platform; each for their own reasons.  It isn't a flock by any stretch but, encouraging, to be sure. 

Not prolific recently as in years past, (140 posts in 2006) the space has begun to feel a tad abandoned, held taut by a slim thread.  That said, I have routinely felt more at home here than on any other platform, for what that is worth. 

Much, I think. 

Still, I also feel a pull for some kind of change. 

Or not; this is anniversary musing or the prospect of Spring. 

Sunday, February 25, 2024

It is

 When I snapped this photo it was early in the month and now the month is nearly over.  


I haven't started using the charcoals yet but am starting to get back into my daily sketch practice.  I haven't sketched "daily" in recent weeks but certainly more than in the weeks preceding the first new sketch in several weeks; nine in the last month.  


Thursday, January 11, 2024

twenty twenty four

We are now twelve days into this new year.  Twelve days of . . . well, honestly, same old stuff.  I didn't set any specific intentions for the new year other than continuing on the path of better...everything; eating, walking, working, playing, thinking, laughing, loving, writing, sketching, and maybe even some painting.  

Actually, there is a specific intention... I was gifted some color pencils and charcoal sticks.  I haven't worked with charcoal since high school.  The intention is to dig into reacquainting myself with that medium. 

That should be fun.  

The forecast for the next several days is winter at its most wintery; cold, snow, and more (deep) cold.  If you're in a part of the world experiencing some extreme weather (or some other extreme) be careful and be safe. 

One day, one step. 

Sunday, December 10, 2023

Photograph and Memory


This is my third grade class.  I left this school after third grade so most of the folks pictured I never saw again.  This class photo is but one of two I have throughout my years in elementary school.  The other is a photo from kindergarten.  I'm sure (mostly) that there were photos taken but I don't have them.  they were either lost in one of our many moves or...   

It is also possible that I missed class photos as I transferred to a lot of schools.  Spending half a year in one and finishing in another.  I may have mentioned that by the time I was in 8th grade, I'd attended eight elementary schools.  

While I did spend the 4 years in a single high school; I didn't make friends easily and didn't really feel comfortable in school until my senior year.  

I was mildly excited to put all those years behind me.  

Except they were never behind me.  Or, at least, not for a long, long, time.  

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Two Years


Some years ago a couple of FB friends introduced a game(?).  If you commented on their post indicating you wanted to participate, they give you a year and you post a memory.  

I'm 37 Year 1997: 

What I remember: Upheavals 

In the workplace, CEO of parent company died;  beginning of a period of uncertainty which lasted over two years.  In the home, marriage crawling to an end; having to maintain some semblance of equilibrium, to provide guidance for 15 year old son and 12 year old daughter.  

I'm 27 Year 1987 

What I remember: Kindergarten.  Son and two orientations in two schools due to an unfortunate incident forcing our little family unit's move from one apartment to another.  I counted blessings for having found an apartment within two blocks of the initial orientation school only to find out we were two blocks of that that school's zone. Thus, an orientation at the second school. In addition, toddler turning two during this year.  Beyond these events? 1987 was basically a blur. 

To be honest, the 80s were a blur except for all things child related; feedings, diapers, training, walking, talking, schools, lessons, learning, laughing, crying, and being.